Monday, October 6, 2014


Coleus is an eye-catching foliage. Some have known it as painted leaf, flame nettle and painted nettle because the leaves are of wide array of colors such as red, maroon, yellow, pink, yellow, hues of green and many more.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My Flowerhorns...


Flowerhorn cichlids are man-made ornamental aquarium fish hybrids. This hybrid were first developed in Malaysia and Taiwan. Fish hobbyist worldwide kept this due to its beauttiful vivid colors and design, nuchal hump or "kok", and some say its a "fortune" fish.

The crossbreeding of this hybrid is still unknown and debated. But according to some literature, the first hybrid is a cross between a red devil cichlid (Amphilophus labiatus) and a trimac cichlid (Amphilophus trimaculatus). And, later crossed with blood or king kong parrot cichlid, which is also a hybrid.


Flowerhorn cichlids are "hardy" and can live up to 10 - 12 years! It is quite easy to take care of and do not require a lot of spoiling. All you have to do is set-up an aquarium for cichlids about 40 - 50 gallons. Maintain a water temperature range of 27oC to 32oC (many used heaters to maintain a temperature level to help hasten the "kok" grow)with pH level of 7.0 to 8.0. I do not recommend an aquarium decorated with live plants except when your aquarium is "huge".

Water changes should be done twice a week, maximum, for about 20%. Since they love to eat, select a type of cichlid food that does not easily pollute the water. Feeding live food easily pollute. Frequent water changes helps reduce the risk of contracting deseases due to poor water aquarium quality. You may add salt without iodine for about 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons.

Feeding 2 to 3 times a day is optimal.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pithecellobium dulce "variegated" Tamarind or Madras Thorn

Pithecellobium dulce is commonly known as "Variegated Madras Thorn", "Manila Tamarind", Sweet Inga" or "Monkey Pod". This plant originated in Mexico and Central America. This type of ornamental plant requires minimal care, making it ideal for occasional ornamental gardener.

Propagation, Planting & Maintenance
Propagate using seeds which germinates a week or so. Once the seedling is already almost a foot high, transfer it to a bigger bag or pot. Or, marcot to be sure! Place transplanted plants under the shade. During the first days after transferring, leaves may fall but do not worry because this is natural. Once the plant is already established in its container, transfer it to full sun. Although it can withstand long periods of low light, foliage is poor.
This hardy plant can survive in any soil and long periods of droughts as well as salinity.
Madras is also a good specimen for bonsai because it can tolerate severe pruning. In fact, if you have the variegated variety, its beauty of greens and mostly white leaflets with a mix of pink will come out after pruning.

Dracaena Surculosa

my Dracaenas

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This gerbera was bought at Market Market when I was in Manila last February 3, 2010. I bought it with just 1 flower, after 4 months, it has already been flowering plus additional 2 more little "mini me's".

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Bamboo Orchids, Arundina Gramnifolia

Bamboo Orchid, Arundina Gramnifolia, is a full tropical terrestrial sun loving plant. The stems can grow to 1.5 meters. Its flowers are at the very top which blooms one flower at a time. This orchid is a tropical Asiatic plant but become "invasive" and naturalized to other tropical countries outside Asia. It blooms all year round!
In my garden, I plant them in a high humus moist retention potting medium. Because I have to expose it to full sun (with some shade during noon time), the soil must be always moist.
If you have just bought one, treat it with TLC and it will surprise you one flower at a time!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sun Conure

I really enjoyed watching my Sun Conure. They can be very noisy if I will not say "hello" to them or give something, usually a "malunggay" leaf. Sometimes, I would let them kiss my lips. The sound they create sometimes is deafening. These babies are demanding with attention but worth every second.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Water Hyacinth

Water hyacinth if left in the wild will post a problem due to being invasive. But when controlled, the weed can be a beautiful ornamental plant in every garden pond. In our place, only half of the pond is covered with water hyacinth. When they flower, beautiful!

Monday, February 22, 2010


Another shots of my spathoglottis collection. Honestly, I have no idea the names of these varieties. I still have 4 other varieties which are not in bloom. Maybe before the end of this year, they will bloom. Hopefully somebody will help me find their names. :-)